Just when you might think a party can't get more dramatic than Brandi's Malibu blowout, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills go and prove you wrong.
This time it's not so much about the crazy catfights as it is about who gets "Uninvited" and we'll recap all the angst in THG's official, weekly +/- review!
It's Kyle's annual White Party and despite that she's had a year to plan the soiree, she leaves everything for the last couple of weeks.
As workmen are still setting things up two hours before the event, Kyle is lamenting to Mauricio that the chandeliers aren't lit. He simply shrugs and says they're working on it.
Hey, the guy's doing all he can to look ruggedly handsome with his stubbled chin and white outfit and I'm not complaining. Plus 10 for looking handsome and remaining calm amidst the chaos. That particular talent will come in handy later on.
Pre-party, Camille calls Adrienne to let her know that Russell sent her an e-mail threatening to sue her for her "slanderous" comments at Lisa's tea party.
Camille shows her attorneys who tell her not to have any contact with Russell or Taylor. Plus 5 for sound advice but since they're all suppose to be at the same party tonight that's going to be a little awkward.
Thus starts a game of phone tag and no one can reach Taylor. Turns out she and Russell are flying back from Vegas just to make Kyle's party.
In the meantime the party's starting and the Housewives are having a group freak out with everyone worrying about Russell suing them. By the time Russell and Taylor arrive the entire tribe accosts them on the front walkway.
Minus 12. This doesn't need to be an ambush but Kyle can't stop bawling long enough to get the words out. Mauricio should have stepped up and simply told Russell and Taylor that several guests were uncomfortable and it would be better if they didn't attend.
Instead it's a Housewives debacle with everyone talking over one another and Kyle still crying. As Russell and Taylor retreat, the entire gang practically follow them into the limo. Minus 8 because no one knows how to let this go and walk away.
In the end I almost felt sorry for Taylor. I'm not convinced she had any clue what Russell had done.
And Plus 10 to Paul who calls Russell on his bullsh!t when he tries to say his e-mail was nothing but nice.
While all of this is going on outside, inside Kim is attacking Brandi. Why?
God only knows. Minus 11 because Kim seems fixated on the free spirited Brandi who has apologized several times at this point.
Kim is determined to cause a scene as Brandi stands there and simply takes it. Plus 15. Not only does Brandi not stoop to Kim's level, she has the good sense to walk away when Kim pushes her kids at the woman.
I can't say I think much of Kim's new beau Ken. He stands there and watches Kim make a fool out of herself. Is she under the influence or is it just Kim being Kim?
So, it's yet another outrageously bad party in Beverly Hills. With this much yelling and tears you'd think eventually they'd just stop trying. But then what fun would it be to watch.
Tatiana Zavialova Taylor Swift Teri Hatcher Teri Polo Tessie Santiago
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